Welcome to Anke Fischer … Vitality and Fitness through Personal Training!

Nutrition Coaching

Nutrition Coaching

Reduce weight without the inconvenience of counting calories – is this how you imagine losing those extra pounds?

At the beginning of each first meeting I always ask: „Why do you want to lose weight?“ – If the answer is “Because I want to” then I am happy to advise you. If the answer is „Because my partner wants me to”, then I would ask you to re-consider nutrition coaching – because this is not going to work!

Coaching always begins with an eating protocol.  Here you will note over a period of several days what, where and when you eat and drink. Afterwards we will evaluate your results and begin to reorganize one meal. You will eat this way for a few days and then if this works well we will reorganise the next meal and so on….You will not have to give up your favorite dish.  We will only change eating habits that you believe you can stick to.

The most ideal combination is weight reduction and sport. The most suitable are nordic walking, light jogging, indoor cardio-training using a step or trampoline. But weight training with dumb-bells, rubber bands, flexi-bars etc. will be incorporated into your individual weight reduction plan.

A massage will help to purify and remove water – this is a perfect addition to your programme.

Contact me or send me an e-mail.  In a first non-binding discussion we will find your individual programme – so that you can soon slip into your favourite trousers again.


Then write me an email to info@ankefischer.eu or contact me by
WhatsApp 0163-33-71-653 for a first meeting in Bad Soden am Taunus or the surrounding area.